Kenmore & District Historical Treasure Hunt

Can you find some of the key places that are important to this area’s history?
Here are some clues:
Site A – 27°30’26” S 152°56’23” E – 40 m Elevation
Site B – 27°30’27” S 152°57’10” E – 30 m Elevation
Site C – 27°31’12” S 152°55’24” E – 10 m Elevation
Site D – 27°31’32” S 152°53’19” E – 50 m Elevation
Site E – 27°31’42” S 152°53’29” E – 60 m Elevation
Site F – 27°30’14” S 152°55’47” E – 10 m Elevation
To find these sites you could use a GPS device such as a mobile phone with GPS, or look for the location on a computer mapping program. You might need to convert the latitudes and longitudes.
To convert Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS) to decimals:
You will also probably need a car and someone to drive you to each site.
Once you have discovered the “Treasure”, please revisit our website to find out more about each location, or research it yourself.
Let us know when you have found all the treasures by sending us an email to
Or, why not suggest your own treasure site – just send us the coordinates,
Happing hunting!!!